The most interesting marketing trends for 2023 

Will 2023 be another year of video? Or will brands bet on virtual reality? Who won't be afraid to take on an unusual (for now) target audience, and what will consumers expect from brands? The Heroes team talks about all this - and a few other trends. 

  1. AI

I believe that 2023 will be the year of AI evaluation for personalization of content and commercial use of designed materials. Will it soon find widespread use? We will find out. Certainly in 2023 the marketing world will be testing these tools extensively! 

- Karol Jedrasik, Owner & Performance 


It will become more common to include people 50+ in advertising communications in every industry (beauty, FMCG, etc.), and not just in insurance and pharmaceuticals. To a certain extent, this is already happening now - confirmed by campaigns of brands such as Sephora, C&A, as well as the increasing number of silver influencers. The deepening of this trend is also influenced by the voices of other generations - Havas Media's research The Future of Aging (2021), proves that Every generation is a little fed up with the constant cult of youth.

- Karolina Kleta, Creative Strategist 


Customers will expect greater gratification during purchases: promotions, discounts, gifts or additional services. Those who receive it will feel appreciated, which may increase their brand loyalty. However, if they don't receive such gratification, they may feel disappointed and look for competitors who offer a better shopping experience. In 2023, brands should constantly monitor customers' expectations and needs and adjust their offerings to meet their requirements in order to provide them with a satisfying shopping experience and maintain brand loyalty.

- Vladek Laszko, Performance ADS Specialist 


When it comes to computer graphics, there have been two contrasting trends for some time -- On the one hand, we have minimalist designs, often based on sophisticated typography, and on the other, very dynamic, glamorous designs With the use of gradient. I think these directions will hold,
and even strengthen next year. From my perspective, this is a good thing - at least each brand will find a climate in which it is more comfortable. And I won't be bored.

- Sylwia Więcek, Graphic Designer


Although „Telezakupy Mango” (a popular in the 2000s polish teleshoppping site) is long behind us, the online space is rocking live sales on a similar basis. The differences? Instead of (charismatic) hosts, it is often led by influencers. Instead of a TV screen - a tablet or phone, less often a computer. In the age of online buying social e-commerce, i.e. showing products, measuring them live and discussing their advantages in addition by influencers has great potential and will be explored even more strongly in 2023. The OceansApart brand, for example, is already doing this. 

- Karolina Kleta, Creative Strategist 


An important trend will be Increasingly polished advertising creations in video format. Polish advertisers will look to foreign markets, e.g. the U.S., where most of the good ads are creative video creations that are dynamic and quickly demonstrate how a product or service works. I also suspect A big increase in the popularity of TikTok in an advertising context. The rates on this platform are very attractive. Soon the tiktok algorithm will be more precise and there will be a boom for advertisers.

- Adam Gron, Performance ADS Specialist

  1. ECO

Sustainability, ethics, ecology and caring for the environment are the megatrends that will strongly intensify. This is borne out by reports about Generation Z, which pays special attention to these values. The brands that already exist and the brands of the past will be required to take these things into account from the start.

- Aniela Mikoda, Copywriter


For online sales, mobile optimization will be even more important, as more and more people are using mobile devices to shop online. Websites and apps that are not tailored to display on mobile devices can be difficult to use and unsatisfying for users, which can lead to a drop in traffic and sales. Therefore Mobile optimization will be essential to provide user-friendly
and intuitive shopping experience and increase online sales. Mobile optimization can include adjusting the layout of the website, the size and color of the text, as well as adding features such as quick access buttons for key information or shortcuts to the shopping cart.

- Vladek Laszko, Performance ADS Specialist 

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